Submitting Entries
BROE2 opened for entries at noon on Tuesday 22 October 2024 and will close at noon on Saturday 9 November 2024. The race is restricted to a maximum of 260 completed entries. If maximum capacity is reached before the closing date, BROE2 may be suspended.
Only completed entries (full crew + host club + payment) can be accepted. Late and/or unpaid entries will not be accepted under any circumstances.
Events will be offered for all masters categories from A to K, for coxless quadruple sculls (4x), coxless fours (4-) and coxed fours (4+), for open, women's and mixed crews.
Composite crews are permitted.
Crews may not change category after the start order has been published.
Boating permission and host clubs
All visiting crews must have permission to boat from a host club before submitting entries.
Tideway clubs must set their own club as a host club in order to complete their entry.
Payment of entries
Crews can only be accepted on the online entry system on completion of their entry, including payment of the entry fee. DO NOT attempt to wait for your crew to be accepted before making payment.
Any crews still unpaid at the close of entries will be rejected, regardless of when the entry was made, and whether or not the event is full.
It is the responsibility of individual crews to confirm with their club's BROE administrator(s) that their entries have been paid and accepted.
Crews are not assured of their place until they have been accepted on the British Rowing Online Entry system. On payment of an entry, the submitting administrator will receive an e-mail receipt from British Rowing Ltd. Once crews have been accepted, the submitting administrator will receive an automated confirmation e-mail from the British Rowing Online Entry system.
Any crew withdrawing prior to close of entries will receive a full refund. Refunds cannot be offered to any crew that scratches after close of entries or races time-only on the day.
It is the responsibility of the individual clubs to enter only crews and coxswains that are sufficiently competent to marshal and race. Crews must be capable of completing a ten-mile outing, and may be on the water for more than two hours, including time spent marshalling before the race: all crews must be on the water and in their marshalling position before the start of the race. Slotting in is not permitted.
If a club enters a crew that is deemed not to be sufficiently competent, the crew will be escorted off the course and action will be taken against the offending club.